Our Departments

The college admits students from all parts of Kenya. Since its inception in 1982, the college has produced thousands of qualified teachers for primary schools. Initially, the mandate of the college was to train P1 teachers for primary schools. Due to changes in education policy, the college is currently training Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE), Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and qualified P1 certificate holders who have come to upgrade to Diploma. It is also a center for training teachers in Special Needs Education managed by the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE). 

PROFESSIONAL COURSES DEPARTMENT – The professional courses department is the main academic department that is responsible for handling all the professional courses. It draws its members from all the other academic departments

  1. Child Development and Psychology
  2. Curriculum Studies
  3. Inclusive Education
  4. Educational Assessment
  5. Educational Leadership and Management
  6. Educational Resources
  7. Micro-Teaching
  8. Research Skills
  9. Sociological and Philosophical foundations of Education
  10. Historical and comparative Foundations of Education
  11. ICT Integration in Education

LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT – The Languages department is responsible for handling all the language courses. It covers four main language courses;

  1. English
  2. Kiswahili
  3. Indigenous Languages
  4. Foreign Languages (French)

CREATIVE ARTS DEPARTMENT – This department is responsible for handling all the creative and performance based courses courses. It covers the following courses;

  1. Art and Craft
  2. Music
  3. Physical and Health Education
  4. Physical Education

MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT – This department is responsible for handling all the maths based courses. It covers the following courses;

  1. Mathematics

INTEGRATED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT – This department is responsible for handling all the science based courses. It offers the following  courses;

  1. Science and Technology
  2. Agriculture
  3. Home science
  4. Health and Nutrition
  5. Environmental Education

SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT – This department is responsible for handling all the social sciences and humanities type courses. It offers the following  courses;

  1. Social Studies
  2. Christian Religious Education
  3. Islamic Religious Education
  4. Environmental Education

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