Migori teachers training college

Performance contracting—essentially, linking performance to reward, for individuals and institutions—can improve public service delivery.

The Government of Kenya has used Performance Contracting since 2003 as a key accountability framework in its endeavour to improve service delivery in the public service. Performance Contracting is part of the broader public sector reforms aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the public service. It started the process of adopting performance contracting by setting up a Performance Contract National Steering Committee in August 2003, and by issuing Legal Notice No. 93, the State Corporations (Performance Contracting) Regulations (2004). According to these regulations, performance is defined as evaluated results of achievement of agreed performance targets.

Migori Teachers College being a public entity, is required to sign a performance every year with its parent ministry (Ministry of Education). The college has established a performance contracting section within the college administration headed by the Performance Contracting Coordinator. The PC section is made up of steering committee made up of Committee chairmen from the various PC implementation committees. These committees include; finance and stewardship, service delivery, projects, core mandate, Cross-cutting, national values, AGPO and  Promotion of Local content, Corruption Prevention and Internship ad industrial attachments.

The committee is required to draft the college PC annually, annual work-plan, prepare quarterly, on-demand and annual reports and ensure implementation of strategies to meet all targets within the performance contract.

The committee is also charged with the responsibility of monitoring,  evaluating and reporting in the implementation of the college Strategic Plan.